
Creatinine is a chemical compound that is released by muscle metabolism or the overproduction of protein in the body. Healthy kidneys let the waste like creatinine to filter from the blood. This waste is extracted out from the blood and passed on via urine. However, there are times when the kidneys are not healthy and result in increased blood creatinine in the body. Along with the creatinine, other waste also gets along with the blood and not eliminated by the kidneys.

To measure blood creatinine, serum creatinine is measured by the lab technician that provides an estimate of how well your kidneys are removing the waste. If the repeated test shows, a bit high levels, that means you need to take Ayurvedic serum creatinine level treatment.

In addition, men tend to have higher creatinine because they possess low skeletal muscle than women do. It is also believed that vegetarians who consume plant-based sources of protein have a lower creatinine range.

From where does creatinine come?

When we consume protein in the form of meat, our liver produces creatine, which is a chemical compound, our body, or muscles in the body need for conversion into energy. Muscles use the required amount of energy, and the rest not crucial to the muscles gets converted as a waste though it stays in the blood.

On average, 2% of the body’ creatine gets converted into creatinine and transported along with the kidneys for the filtration process. However, in case the renal is not functioning correctly, or in other terms dysfunctional, serum creatinine level rises, or creatinine clearance will be overrated.

What is believed to be high creatinine?

In the following situations, the creatinine is believed to be high:

  • A person who has only one kidney has a normal range between 1.8 and 2.0
  • In babies, creatinine level more than 2.0 while in adults, 5.0 is considered a bit high and indicate severe kidney impairment
  • In males, the healthy range is between 0.6 to 1.2 mg/dL while in the female it is 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dL

In the event when creatinine levels indicate damage to the kidneys, make sure you are not delaying the Best Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda. It is crucial to have the things done at the right time for a better and faster recovery.

Who has a low or high creatinine blood level?

  • Those who are muscularly young or middle-aged tend to have a bit high range of creatinine than the other people.
  • Creatinine decreases as you age, and so the elderly are supposed to have less creatinine in their blood than normal.
  • If you are skinny or have malnutrition or prolonged illness, the creatinine range will be lower than usual for their age.

What are the causes of high creatinine?

The factors which disturb the kidney function are probably going to spike the creatinine level in the blood. So, it is vital to understand whether those conditions that can harm your kidneys in the long run or temporarily raising the creatinine. This will help you determine if you need Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine or not.

Further, if you got creatinine raised lately, it is easier to recover from it.

The most common causes of increased creatinine are:

  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes

Other less common causes of elevated blood creatinine level include:

  • Certain drugs can sometimes cause abnormally high creatinine levels
  • Serum creatinine also increases after the consumption of a large amount of dietary meat such as red meat
  • Kidney infections, rhabdomyolysis, and obstruction in the urinary tract may also elevate serum creatinine
    • Intake of certain medicines such as NSAIDs and ACE inhibitors
    • Heavy exercising
  • The occurrence of chronic kidney disease
    • Excess production of protein in the body
  • Consumption of excess protein primarily animal protein

Are there any signs of high creatinine?

The blood creatinine level rises due to poor clearance by the kidneys, also resulting in the accumulation of various kinds of waste in the blood. This waste clogged-up is the reason you may have many complications, which ultimately become the signs.

These may include:

  • Feeling dehydrated
  • Fatigued body
  • Swelling in the lower part
  • Shortness of breath
  • Confusion or lack of consciousness
  • Many other nonspecific symptoms include nausea, vomiting, neuropathy, and dry skin

Diagnosing creatinine range

Certain types of tests will help to know how your kidneys are removing creatinine from the blood. Usually, creatinine is measured with the help of urine and blood test since it is present in both. The following parameters will help know your kidney function and the need for Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda.

Serum creatinine

Serum creatinine is a type of blood test during which the samples of blood are sent to the laboratory for analysis of the creatinine in the bloodstream. Serum creatinine also helps to calculate creatinine levels according to your age and gender. Further, GFR is calculated using serum creatinine, which is a measure of kidney function. If you know serum creatinine, you can figure out which stage of kidney disease you are in. A low GFR cannot be the only measure of kidney function; instead, there are some conditions to check also. Consult your doctor for a better diagnose and know-how about Ayurvedic medicine for creatinine.

Creatinine clearance

Creatinine clearance is the measurement of low kidney function. It examines how much creatinine is cleared from the body in a particular time period. For this, the lab technician will collect a urine sample and let it stay stable for 24 hours. Along with the urine sample, a blood sample is also taken, as serum creatinine is a combination of both. The creatinine clearance is calculated after determining the serum creatinine and the glomerular filtration rate.

For more information about creatinine and chronic kidney disease and ways to reduce creatinine with Ayurveda, meet us with your reports!